Oklahoma DPA Programs
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Oklahoma.
Wisconsin, located in the heart of the midwestern United States, is a beautiful state known for its dairy production, magnificent Milwaukee Art Museum and famous Cave of the Mounds. Fondly nicknamed “The Badger State”, Wisconsin is the 30th state in the Union, boasts a population of nearly 6 million people and a homeownership rate of 70% (2022 U.S. Census Bureau).
We’re excited to share with you the different DPA programs available in Wisconsin that make homeownership possible for many. Remember, you may be able to combine more than one program, so please be sure to inquire.
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
City of Madison’s Community Development Division
Rock County Community Development
REALTORS® Association of South Central Wisconsin Housing Foundation
Madison Area Community Land Trust
Urban League of Greater Madison
WHEDA Advantage Conventional
“A 30-year fixed rate mortgage. Do not have to be a first-time home buyer to utilize this program. Minimum credit score 620 or higher.”
WHEDA Advantage FHA
“A 30-year fixed rate mortgage. Do not have to be a first-time home buyer to utilize this program. Minimum credit score 640 or higher.”
WHEDA Advantage Conventional HomeStyle® Renovation
“An extension of the WHEDA Advantage Conventional First Mortgage Program. Borrowers can buy and renovate a home with one mortgage. Up to 100% financing for eligible borrowers and property types when used in conjunction with a WHEDA down payment assistance loan.”
WHEDA Easy Close DPA
“Maximum loan amount is 6% of the purchase price when partnered with a WHEDA Conventional or WHEDA FHA first mortgage loan.
WHEDA Capital Access DPA
“Maximum loan amount is greater of $3,050 or 3% of the purchase price when partnered with a WHEDA conventional or WHEDA FHA loan.
Serving: City of Green Bay and Brown County
NeighborWorks Loan Fund (NLF)
“Down payment and closing costs assistance up to $7,000 for homes purchased within Brown County.”
“Down payment and closing costs assistance up to $15,000 for homes purchased within the City of Green Bay.”
Great Being Home (GBH)
“For eligible employees, down payment and closing costs assistance up to $5,000 for homes purchased within the City of Green Bay. Up to $10,000 available with matching funds from either NWGB or City of Green Bay headquartered non-profits or businesses.”
American Foods Employer Assisted Homeownership Program (EAHP)
“For eligible employees, down payment and closing costs assistance up to $7,500 for homes purchased within Brown County.”
Services Plus Employer Assisted Homeownership Program (EAHP)
“For eligible employees, down payment and closing costs assistance up to $5,000 for homes purchased within Brown County.”
Home-Buy the American Dream (HBAD)
“Home-Buy the American Dream (HBAD) is a down payment and closing costs assistance program aimed at supporting low-to-moderate income homebuyers purchase of a single-family home, condominium or one-half a duplex in the City of Madison. Maximum loan amount up to $35,000.”
Down Payment Assistance
“Rock County has funding available for down payment assistance available to qualified borrowers and offered as a zero percent interest loan. Repayment is deferred until sale, the property is transferred, or if the property ceases to be the primary residence of the borrower. Maximum loan amount up to $8,000.”
Counties Served: Adams, Columbia, Crawford, Dane, Dodge, Grant, Green, Green Lake, Iowa, Jefferson, Juneau, Lafayette, Marquette, Richland, Rock, and Sauk
Home Start Loan Program
“The Foundation will make available to qualified applicants a low interest loan to be used for the down payment and/or closing costs associated with the purchase of a home. The actual loan interest rate and other terms will be set at the time the loan is approved. Maximum of $6,000 or 3% of purchase price; whichever is lower.”
City of Madison Program for
Down Payment and Closing Costs
“The City of Madison Program for Down Payment and Closing Costs provides 0% interest, deferred-payment, shared appreciation loans to assist qualified first-time home buyers with down payment and closing costs on a home purchase. A household member must have a permanent disability.”
Dane County Down Payment
Assistance Loan Program
“The Dane County Home Buyer Assistance Program provides 0% interest, deferred-payment loans to assist qualified first-time home buyers with down payment and closing costs on a home purchase. A household member must have a permanent disability.”
Momentum Down Payment
Assistance Loan Program
“The Momentum Down Payment Assistance Loan Program provides 0% interest, deferred-payment loans to assist qualified first-time home buyers with down payment and closing costs on a home purchase. Disability is NOT a requirement to qualify for a Momentum loan. Property must be located in a participating municipality of the Dane County Consortium.”
Affordable Housing Program (AHP) Down Payment Loans
“Movin’ Out’s AHP Down Payment is a 0% interest loan that a qualified buyer can use to assist with their down payment and/or closing costs on a home purchase. A household member must have a permanent disability.”
HCRI Down Payment Assistance Loan Program
“The HCRI Down Payment Assistance Loan Program provides 0% interest, deferred-payment loans to assist qualified first-time home buyers with down payment and closing costs on a home purchase. A household member must have a permanent disability.”
“Under the community land trust (CLT) model, homeowners purchase their house, but not the land (this lowers the purchase price). The land is leased by the homeowner from the land trust. When MACLT homeowners sell their home, 75% of the appreciated value stays with the house, so it’s more affordable for the next buyer. The CLT homeowner also gets to keep the equity they invested into the home plus 25% of the increase in value.”
Single Family Home Ownership Program
“Urban League’s award-winning Single Family Home Ownership Program has helped low-income families achieve ambitious goals through home ownership. Homes for sale through the Program are rehabbed, appraised, inspected and offered for sale to qualifying applicants through a highly transparent process.”
Affordable Homeownership
“A Lease-Purchase Program resident may rent a house for a period of time with an option to buy. A portion of the resident’s rent is deposited into a down payment account. Common Wealth provides 0% second mortgage financing which helps to reduce housing costs. A shared appreciation agreement helps keep these Lease-Purchase Program houses affordable into the future for low to moderate-income households.”
States/Territories served: Illinois, Wisconsin
Downpayment Plus (DPP®)
“Downpayment Plus is a program that provides down payment and closing cost assistance for income-eligible homebuyers. The assistance is provided in the form of a forgivable grant paid on behalf of the borrower at the time the borrower closes on mortgage financing with a participating FHLBank Chicago member financial institution. Grants are forgiven on a monthly basis over a five-year retention period.”
Downpayment Plus Advantage
“Downpayment Plus Advantage is a similar program but assists income-eligible homebuyers participating in homeownership programs offered by nonprofit organizations that provide mortgage financing directly to the homebuyer. Nonprofit organizations providing direct first-mortgage financing, such as Habitat for Humanity or Neighborhood Housing Services, must partner with an FHLBank Chicago member financial institution to access DPP Advantage funds. Grants are forgiven on a monthly basis over a five-year retention period.”
Single Family Housing Direct Home Loans
“Also known as the Section 502 Direct Loan Program, this program assists low- and very-low-income applicants obtain decent, safe and sanitary housing in eligible rural areas by providing payment assistance to increase an applicant’s repayment ability. Payment assistance is a type of subsidy that reduces the mortgage payment for a short time.”
Habitat Home
“We believe that everyone should have a safe, affordable place to call home. To carry out our vision, we partner with individuals and families from application through construction to when the keys are handed over.”
The next blog post in our series will explore down payment assistance programs in Wyoming.
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
City of Madison’s Community Development Division
Rock County Community Development
REALTORS® Association of South Central Wisconsin Housing Foundation
Madison Area Community Land Trust
Urban League of Greater Madison
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Oklahoma.
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Ohio.
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of North Dakota.
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Source 1: Wikipedia: Reusing Wikipedia Content. This work is released under CC BY-SA. Source 2: Farlex Financial Dictionary
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