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Pennsylvania Down Payment Assistance (DPA) Programs

Located in the northeastern United States, Pennsylvania is the 2nd state in the Union and is nicknamed The Keystone State.  Additionally, it is home to the Liberty Bell and the highest Amish population in the world.

The state’s capital is Harrisburg and the largest city is Philadelphia. With a population of just over 13 million people, Pennsylvania boasts a homeownership rate of 70.7% (2022-U.S. Census Bureau).

DPA programs across the country continue to make homeownership possible for many. Below is a list of programs available in the state of Pennsylvania. Also, combining programs may be possible, so be sure to inquire.

Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA)

PHFA Grant

“The PHFA Grant provides grant assistance of $500 to help with downpayment and closing costs when obtaining the HFA PreferredTM(Lo MI) loan. The PHFA Grant of $500 does not require repayment and must be used towards the purchase of the home.”

Keystone Advantage Assistance Loan Program

“The Keystone Advantage Assistance Loan Program provides a second mortgage loan to help with the costs associated with the purchase of a home. Qualified borrowers can receive up to four percent (4%) of the purchase price or market value or $6,000 (whichever is less) in downpayment and closing cost assistance to be repaid monthly. The assistance loan will be amortized over a ten year term at zero percent (0%) interest.”

Keystone Forgivable in Ten Years Loan Program (K-FIT)

“The Keystone Forgivable in Ten Years Loan Program (K-FIT) is available for qualified homebuyers, to provide assistance towards downpayment and/or closing costs. This program provides a second mortgage loan to help buyers supplement the costs of homeownership. Eligible borrowers may receive five percent (5%) of the lesser of the purchase price or appraised value with no maximum dollar limit in downpayment and closing cost assistance. The K-FIT loan is forgiven on an annual basis over ten years at a rate of ten percent (10%) a year.”

Programs for Persons with Disabilities

“Buyers with a disability or a disabled household member, who are eligible for any of these home loan programs, may also be eligible to receive funds to make accessibility modifications to the home they buy and may also be eligible for up to $15,000 in a no interest downpayment and closing cost assistance loan through the Access Downpayment and Closing Cost Assistance Program.”

ACCESS Downpayment and Closing Cost Assistance

“The ACCESS Home Modification Program provides mortgage loans to assist persons with disabilities or who have a family member(s) living in the household with disabilities who are purchasing a home that needs accessibility modifications. This program provides a deferred payment loan, with no interest, and no monthly payment. The loan becomes due and payable upon sale, transfer, or non-owner occupancy of the property.”

ACCESS Home Modification

“The ACCESS Home Modification Program provides mortgage loans to assist persons with disabilities or who have a family member(s) living in the household with disabilities who are purchasing a home that needs accessibility modifications. This program provides a deferred payment loan, with no interest, and no monthly payment. The loan becomes due and payable upon sale, transfer, or non-owner occupancy of the property.”

HOMEstead Downpayment and Closing Cost Assistance Loan

“Homebuyers eligible for the HOMEstead program may qualify for up to $10,000 in downpayment and closing cost assistance in the form of a no-interest, second mortgage loan. HOMEstead funds are forgiven at 20 percent per year over five years for all loans closed on or after January 1, 2007. The minimum loan amount is $1,000. The first mortgage is provided by PHFA at the same rate as the Keystone Home Loan program.”

Employer Assisted Housing (EAH) Initiative

“Homebuyers working for a Participating EAH Employer can receive a Keystone Advantage Assistance Loan of up to $8,000 for downpayment and/or closing cost assistance in the form of an interest free loan amortized over 10 years. Employees must meet the eligibility requirements for the Advantage Program to qualify.”

HFA Preferred™(Lo MI)

“The Pennsylvania Housing Finance agency offers a conventional loan product that is designed specifically for HFAs (Housing Finance Agencies). This product offers a fully amortized 30 year fixed rate term. PHFA offers this program through a network of approved participating lenders, with PHFA as the servicer. In other words, you will work with a lender up through the loan closing, but will make your monthly payments to PHFA for the life of your loan.”

Keystone Home Loan Program

“You may be eligible for a Keystone Home Loan if you are not a first-time homebuyer, but you plan to buy a home in a Targeted county or area or you are a discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces.”

Keystone Government Loan Program

“The Keystone Government Loan Program (K-Gov) provides first mortgage financing on loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) or guaranteed by Rural Development (RD) or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA). Loans are underwritten using the guidelines of the respective federal agency providing the insurance/guaranty.”

Keystone Flex with K-FIT

“The Keystone Flex with Keystone Forgivable In Ten Years Loan Program (K-FIT) provides first mortgage financing Conventional or the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) or guaranteed by Rural Development (RD) or Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The first mortgage is paired with K-FIT which provides assistance toward downpayment and/or closing costs for eligible homebuyers in the form of a forgivable second mortgage. K-FIT provides eligible homebuyers with five percent (5%) of the lesser of the purchase price or appraised value with no maximum dollar limit.”

Keystone Flex-Purchase & Improvement with K-FIT

“PHFA’s Keystone Flex Purchase & Improvement with K-FIT loan allows buyers to purchase, improve/repair a home and down payment and closing cost assistance in one transaction. This loan provides buyers with a conventional PHFA first mortgage with funds up to $30,000 to make eligible repairs and improvements to the home. Home repairs can be made to single family homes, duplexes, manufactured housing and PUDs.”

Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Berks, Inc.

HomeOwnership Program Financing (HOP)

“The First Time Buyer Program allows for a down payment and closing cost assistance grant if an applicant’s income is at or below 80% of the area’s median income. The amount of assistance available is determined by individual needs.”

FHA Closing Cost Assistance Loan Program

“Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Berks has been approved by HUD to offer a closing cost assistance loan program to eligible low-moderate income families who have received approval for FHA 1st mortgage financing to purchase a home in Berks County, including the City of Reading.”

NHS Closing Cost Assistance Loan Program

“Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Berks offers a closing cost assistance loan program to eligible low-moderate income families to purchase a home in Berks County, including the City of Reading.”

Housing Opportunities of Beaver County

First Time Buyer Program

“Beaver County allocates funds towards down payment and closing cost assistance for low and moderate income people who are buying their first home in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. The amount of assistance available is determined by individual needs.”

Housing Partnership of Chester County (HPCC)

First Time Home Buyer Program

“The HPCC’s First Time Homebuyer Program is intended to assist low-moderate income individuals and families interested in purchasing a first home within Chester County.

  • Maximum loan of $20,000 for purchase of a home in Chester County.
  • Maximum loan of $20,000 for purchase of a home in the City of Coatesville.”

Cumberland County Housing and Redevelopment Authorities

Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Program

“The Cumberland County Affordable Housing Trust Fund First-Time Homebuyer’s Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Program provides up to $5,000 in assistance to qualified first-time homebuyers who have lived or worked in Cumberland County for at least six months and wish to purchase a single family home in Cumberland County.”

Housing Authority of the County of Dauphin

Homeownership Program

“Through the Section 8 Homeownership Program, eligible families participating in the Housing Choice Voucher Program may choose a house for purchase anywhere in Dauphin County (outside the City of Harrisburg) and receive financial assistance for homeownership expenses (mortgage payments) for up to 15 years.”

Dauphin County Community & Economic Development

First-Time Homebuyers Program

“This program offers loan assistance up to $3,000.00 to first-time homebuyers with a minimum investment of $1,000.00 of personal funds. The loan can be used toward the price of the house and/or closing costs. The house must be located within Dauphin County and applicants must meet the other eligibility requirements outlined in the program.”

Delaware County Housing & Community Development

Homeownership First Program

“The Homeownership First Program provides counseling and up to $10,000 in down payment and closing costs to qualifying low- and moderate-income first-time homebuyers purchasing a property in Delaware County.”

Upper Darby Township Community & Economic Development

First Time Homebuyer Program

“This Program offers a maximum of $10,000.00 for down payment assistance to qualified buyers.”

Media Fellowship House

First-Time Homebuyer Program

“For Low- and moderate-income first time homebuyers, purchasing a home in Delaware County. Each borrower will be evaluated based upon income, credit history, and available assets. Total assistance will not exceed $10,000 and may be used for down-payment and/or closing costs.”

Money Match for Homebuyers Program

“The Money Match program is designed for low and moderate income first time homebuyers who are committed to purchasing a home but need a little help saving for closing costs. The program matches the participants’ savings on a 2:1 basis by providing $4,000 when they save a total of $2,000. This provides the participant with a combined total of $6,000. These funds are then used to help the participant pay their closing costs.”

NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania

City of Scranton Homebuyer Program

“The City of Scranton Homebuyer Program offers qualified first-time home buyers a forgiven, deferred payment loan to help with down payment and closing expenses: $5,000 minimum assistance awarded to approved applicants.”

Lackawanna County Homebuyer Program

“The Lackawanna County Homebuyer Program offers qualified first-time home buyers a forgiven, deferred payment loan to help with down payment and closing expenses: $7,500 minimum assistance awarded to approved applicants.”


Tabor & LHOP are now Tenfold

Lancaster City/County Homebuyer Assistance Program

“The loan is for assistance in down payment and closing cost assistance. Maximum loan amount not to exceed 8% of the sales price.”

York City/County Homebuyer Assistance Program

“The loan is for assistance in down payment and closing cost assistance. Maximum loan amount cannot exceed $10,000 for York County and 8% of the sales price for the City of York.”

Montgomery County Housing and Community Development

First Time Homebuyers Program

“Grant amount is based on the financial need of the applicant’s household, selling price of property, and household assets. Assistance up to a maximum of 10% of the estimated affordable sales price for participants, not to exceed $10,000. Additional down-payment (up to $30,000) available to households below 80% median income limits.”

Northampton County Community & Economic Development 

First-Time Homebuyer Program

“The Northampton County First-Time Homebuyer Program provides loans to eligible first-time buyers of Northampton County homes. These loans provide up to $10,000 to help with the cost of the house and closing costs.”


Homeownership Program

“As a response to the elimination of several first time homebuyer grants for residents in the Philadelphia area, PhillySEEDS created the Homeownership Closing Cost Assistance program to help residents purchase their first home. This program offers a dollar-to-dollar match of residents’ savings to be applied toward their home’s closing costs. The maximum match amount is $2,000.”

Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington

Homebuyer Assistance Program

“Downpayment assistance will be provided to eligible low-income households, when funding is available, in the amount of 26% of the purchase price of the house plus the actual reasonable closing costs. When sufficient funding is not available for a 26% downpayment, downpayment assistance will be in the amount of 17% of the purchase price of the house plus the actual reasonable closing costs.”

Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) of Pittsburgh

OwnPGH Homeownership Program

“The OwnPGH Homeownership Program (OwnPGH) provides up to $90,000 to first-time homebuyers seeking to purchase a home within the City of Pittsburgh.”

Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Program

“The Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Program (DPCCAP) provides financial assistance to eligible first-time homebuyers in the City who are interested in purchasing an existing or newly constructed residential unit.”

Homes for Sale

“The URA’s affiliate Pittsburgh Housing Development Corporation offers a portfolio of affordable and market-rate homes for sale.”

State College Borough Housing & Community Development

First-Time Home Buyer Program (FTHB)

“The Borough of State College First-Time Home Buyer Program (FTHB) program offers mortgage and closing cost assistance to both low/moderate and middle-income households to purchase a home in the Borough of State College.”

State College Community Land Trust (SCCLT)

“The State College Community Land Trust (SCCLT) provides a new opportunity for home buyers to purchase a home in the Borough. The SCCLT encourages home ownership by “splitting” the cost of a home. The buyer purchases the house itself while the SCCLT buys the land beneath the house, thereby reducing the overall cost of the home by as much as 30%.”

The HOME Foundation (THF)

Homeownership Program

“The HOME Foundation collaborates with the State College Borough and the State College Community Land Trust to offer homes to low-to moderate-income households to First Time Home Buyers. THF acquires homes from sellers in the borough, rehabilitates them and sells them to FTHB. The FTHB can acquire a gap loan to reduce the principal of their primary mortgage so it is more affordable that does not need to be re-payed until the home is resold.”

City of Williamsport Community & Economic Development

Home Buyer Assistance GAP Financing Program

“With Federal HOME funds, the City of Williamsport can help eligible households purchase a home in the City of Williamsport. A maximum of 20% of the purchase price is available as a 0% interest, deferred repayment loan.”

Housing Partnership of Chester County

First-Time Homebuyer Program

“The HPCC’s First Time Homebuyer Program is intended to assist low-moderate income individuals and families interested in purchasing a first home within Chester County. The Program provides pre-purchase homeownership counseling and a loan for down payment and closing costs to first-time buyers.

  • Maximum loan of $20,000 for purchase of a home in Chester County.
  • Maximum loan of $20,000 for purchase of a home in the City of Coatesville.”

Luzerne County Community Development

Growing Homeowner’s Program

“A savings and education initiative to help individuals and families turn the dream of purchasing a home into a reality. GHI assistance funds must be used toward the purchase of a home in Luzerne County. The GHI funds are used to cover closings costs up to $7500.”

City of Wilkes-Barre Mayor’s Office

Home Buyer-Closing Cost & Down Payment Assistance Program

“The City of Wilkes-Barre is offering a Down Payment & Closing Cost Assistance program made available through the American Rescue Plan Act. The assistance provided is a non-repayable grant that will cover the closing cost & down Payment for an owner-occupied residential purchase. Applicants will be eligible for up to $7,500 total for closing cost/down payment assistance.”

Bethlehem Redevelopment Authority (RDA)

Bethlehem Homebuyer Assistance Program (BHAP)

“The City of Bethlehem, in partnership with Community Action Lehigh Valley, has established a program for first-time homebuyers to assist with down payment and closing costs when purchasing a home in the City of Bethlehem.”

New Kensington Community Development Corporation (NKCDC)

Philly First Home

“Philly First Home is a homebuyer assistance grant from The City of Philadelphia that offerings up to $10,000 (or 6% of the home’s purchase price, whichever is lower) to help first-time homebuyers reduce their principal and cover down payment and loan closing costs.”

Penn Homeownership Services

Forgivable Loan Program

“The University of Pennsylvania established a $7,500 forgivable loan as an incentive for faculty and staff interested in living in West Philadelphia.”

Closing Cost Reduction Program

“This program offers mortgage financing options with discounted closing costs. The CCRP offers you a credit at closing that is equal to .25% of your mortgaged amount as well as a credit for the appraisal fees charged when purchasing a residence within the PHOS boundary area.”


Homeownership Program

“Down payment and closing cost assistance is currently available to eligible individuals in Bradford, Wyoming, and Susquehanna Counties.”

Bucks County Housing & Community Development 

First Time Home Buyers Program

“Bucks County has a First Time Homebuyers Program that can provide up to $10,000 for closing costs and/or down payment assistance for eligible households. The amount of assistance is provided to the buyer as a no interest deferred mortgage due and repayable once the home is sold, transferred, refinanced for additional debt, or is no longer the principal residence.”

Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) Pittsburgh

States/Territories served: Delaware, West Virginia, Pennsylvania

First Front Door

“First Front Door (FFD) helps FHLBank Pittsburgh members open the door for first-time homebuyers. With FFD grants, we match the qualified homebuyer’s contribution for down payment and closing costs 3-to-1. For every $1 the homebuyer contributes, FHLBank will provide $3 in grant assistance, up to a maximum of $5,000.”

USDA Rural Development

Single Family Housing Direct Home Loans

“Also known as the Section 502 Direct Loan Program, this program assists low- and very-low-income applicants obtain decent, safe and sanitary housing in eligible rural areas by providing payment assistance to increase an applicant’s repayment ability. Payment assistance is a type of subsidy that reduces the mortgage payment for a short time.”

Habitat for Humanity 

Habitat Home

“We believe that everyone should have a safe, affordable place to call home. To carry out our vision, we partner with individuals and families from application through construction to when the keys are handed over.” 

In our next post, we’ll explore Rhode Island’s down payment assistance programs.

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