Idaho DPA Programs
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Idaho.
Located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States, Maryland is the 7th state in the Union. It is also a historic trading port and home to the Chesapeake Bay. The state capital, Annapolis, is known as the sailing capital of the world; and its largest city is Baltimore. With a population of more than 6 million people, Maryland boasts a homeownership rate of 71.8% (2022-U.S. Census Bureau).
DPA programs across the country continue to make homeownership possible for many. Below is a list of programs available in the state of Maryland. Also, combining programs may be possible, so be sure to inquire.
Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development
Neighborhood Housing Services of Baltimore
Gaithersburg Division of Housing and Community Development
Hagerstown Community and Economic Development
Arundel Community Development Services
Baltimore County Department of Housing & Community Development
Frederick County Department of Housing and Community Development
Cumberland Neighborhood Housing Services
Prince George’s County Redevelopment Authority
Howard County’s Department of Housing & Community Development
Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Services
Bowie Office of Grant Development & Administration
Department of Housing and Community Development
MMP 1st Time Advantage
“Offers eligible first-time homebuyers the lowest 30-year fixed interest rate available from the program for a home loan. (Mortgage credit certificates may not be layered with 1st Time Advantage loans.).
Partner Match Programs
“There is a wide range of organizations with programs to help homebuyers, including: Employers, Home builders and real estate developers, community organizations, and local governments.
If you’re using the 1st Time Advantage 6000 or the Flex 6000 loan products to purchase your home, any financial assistance you receive from one or more of these Partners is matched (up to $2,500) as additional down payment assistance.”
MMP Flex Loans
“30-year, fixed-rate home loan products accompanied by additional funds for down payment and closing costs. The assistance is available in the form of no-interest, deferred loan.
Montgomery Homeownership Program VII
“The Montgomery Homeownership Program VII, an initiative of the Maryland Mortgage Program in partnership with Montgomery County, gives eligible homebuyers purchasing in Montgomery County up to $25,000 in down payment assistance.”
“HomeAbility is a special product designed to assist Maryland homebuyers with disabilities to finance their home purchase. This is a Conventional Loan product and provides up to 95% LTV in a first lien and up to 25% (with a maximum of $45,000) in a second lien to assist with down payment and closing costs.”
Maryland SmartBuy 3.0 Program
“To qualify for the Maryland SmartBuy 3.0 program, homebuyers must have an existing student debt with a minimum balance of $1,000. Maryland SmartBuy 3.0 financing provides up to 15% of the home purchase price for the borrower to pay off their outstanding student debt with a maximum payoff amount of $50,000.”
Greenbelt Home Advantage
“The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, in partnership with the City of Greenbelt, gives current renters in zip code 20770 who are eligible first-time homebuyers purchasing in Greenbelt (zip code 20770) a grant of $15,000 for down payment assistance and closing cost assistance with a Maryland Mortgage home loan.”
Baltimore City Employee Homeownership Program
“$5,000 for employees of City and quasi-City agencies who have been employed for at least six months.”
Buying Into Baltimore
“$5,000 awarded by lottery to people who attend a Live Baltimore Trolley Tour and meet other conditions.”
First-Time Homebuyers Incentive Program
“Formerly known as the CDBG Homeownership Assistance Program, this program has been rebranded and revamped! For applications submitted on or after May 1, 2022, the base incentive amount is $10,000 for first-time homebuyers with a household income at or below 80% of the area median income. An additional bonus of up to $10,000 is available for eligible homebuyers.”
Live Near Your Work
“This partnership with participating employers encourages homeownership near places of employment. The City matches employers’ contributions between $1,000 and $2,500, for total incentives of $2,000-$5,000+, depending on the employer.”
Vacants to Value Booster
“$10,000 incentive for properties that were subject to a City-issued Vacant Building Notice for at least one year prior to (a) rehabilitation of the property by a developer, or (b) sale of the property to a homebuyer who intends to renovate the property using an acquisition/rehabilitation loan.”
CDBG Homeownership Assistance Program
“The Office of Homeownership established a new program designed to assist first time home buyers. The program, the Community Development Block Grant Program, can give qualified first time home buyer $5,000 toward down payment and settlement expenses.”
Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program
“This program helps current Housing Choice Voucher Program participants purchase homes by converting their monthly rental assistance payments to mortgage payments.”
Home Buying Assistance
“By working with area experts at Neighborhood Housing Services, GBA has secured up to $15,000 for down payment assistance for qualified candidates in the Baybrook (Brooklyn, Curtis Bay and Brooklyn Park) area.”
Home Renovation Loans
“Greater Baybrook Alliance has partnered with Arundel Community Development Services to support a housing repair program in Brooklyn, Brooklyn Park and Curtis Bay. Available for owner occupied homes, this no interest, no payment loan program offers up to $50,000 for large repairs and home improvements.”
Project Reinvest Program
“Provides eligible homebuyers with up to $10,000 of down payment assistance to buyers purchasing in Baltimore City.”
BOOST/Alternative Credit Loan
“BOOST loan is a home purchase loan that assists individuals without traditional credit history in qualifying for a mortgage.”
Tu Hogar Program
“The Tu Hogar program is a home purchase loan that assists individuals without traditional credit history in qualifying for a mortgage.”
Rapid Rehab Loan
“This new rehab loan allows customers to borrow up to $20,000 at a 4% fixed interest rate up to 10 years. Customers do not need to have equity in their homes to qualify, which makes this an attractive loan for new homeowners. Use this loan to cover any renovation projects or energy-efficient repairs.”
Large Renovation Loan
“With this loan you could borrow up to $30,000 at a 0% – 4% interest rate. Payments can be deferred until you sell your home depending on your ability to repay the loan. Use this loan to cover costly improvements such as new roof, furnace, electric or plumbing.”
Buy Back the Block
“The Buy Back the Block program provides grants to Baltimore City residents who purchase homes in the areas where they currently rent. These grants do not have to be repaid. The $10,000 home purchase grant reduces the amount of money you will need up front to buy a home. The $20,000 home purchase & renovation grant reduces the amount of money you will need up front to buy and renovate a home.”
Homebuyer Assistance Loan Program (GHALP)
“The Gaithersburg Homebuyer Assistance Loan Program (GHALP) provides closing cost & down payment assistance to eligible first-time homebuyers who purchase within the City of Gaithersburg corporate limits. The maximum loan amount is up to $25,000.”
Hagerstown Homeownership Initiative
“The Hagerstown Homeownership Initiative (HHI) offers an applicant up to $7,500 in down payment/closing cost incentives to reduce the barriers associated with homeownership within the City of Hagerstown by providing support in the form of a forgivable loan-to-grant program.”
Single Family Rehabilitation Loans and Residential Rehabilitation Loans
“In need of comprehensive renovations to a single family structure or a multi-family structure? Your project may qualify for a low interest loan through the Department of Community and Economic Development. Loan funding is contingent upon Hagerstown Loan Review Authority approval and subject to funding availability. Single family homeowners may also qualify for a grant for eligible emergency repairs.”
Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP)
“The Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP) provides deferred loans up to $50,000 to first time homebuyers in Anne Arundel County to help with down payment and settlement costs.”
Settlement Expense Loan Program (SELP)
“The Settlement Expense Loan Program (SELP) provides assistance to low and moderate income, first-time homebuyers. The County can lend up to $10,000 to income-eligible purchasers to help pay closing costs required in the purchase of an existing home within the designated Community Conservation Areas of Baltimore County.”
LifeBridge Health Live Near Your Work Program
“The Live Near Your Work Program is a partnership between LifeBridge Health and Baltimore County designed to encourage homeownership and maintain strong neighborhoods in Baltimore County communities near Northwest and Sinai Hospitals. This program is only available to LifeBridge Health employees.”
Homebuyer Assistance Program
“The Frederick County Homebuyer Assistance Program (HAP) administered by the Frederick County Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) helps local families with limited resources obtain their first home, by providing up to $10,000 in downpayment/closing cost assistance.”
Purchase & Rehab Loan
“The purchase and rehab loan is available for eligible borrowers purchasing a home on a target block within a Healthy Neighborhood. Eligible borrowers must also use this loan to make improvements to the property in conjunction with the purchase. No private mortgage insurance is required. Design assistance from an architectural firm is available at no cost to help buyers plan improvement and review contractor proposals.”
First Mortgage Loan
“This is a special program for purchasers of already renovated homes from St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center in Belair-Edison and in Barclay’s North Calvert Green.Eligible homes are formerly vacant homes in developed by St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center in Belair-Edison, Telesis in Barclay or other formerly vacant homes on target blocks developed by Healthy Neighborhoods approved developers. There is no renovation work required. This loan is for purchase only.”
Closing Cost Assistance Grants
“CNHS in cooperation with the Community Development Block Grant program with the City of Cumberland, provides qualified first time homebuyers a grant to assist with the closing costs associated with purchasing a home within the City of Cumberland.”
Pathway to Purchase
“If you are a first-time home buyer, you could be eligible for up to $10,000 in down payment and closing cost toward the purchase of your first home.”
Settlement Downpayment Loan Program
“To assist homebuyers with financing for settlement/downpayment costs. All loans will be deferred, due upon sale of home, refinance, or default.”
MIHU Homeownership Program
“The MIHU Program is an inclusionary zoning program that requires developers of new housing in specific zoning districts to sell a portion (generally 10-15%) of the dwelling units to households of moderate income. MIHUs are sold at affordable prices set by DHCD.
MIHUs are priced as much as $100,000 or more below comparable market rate homes. Prices range from approximately $244,300 for a new condominium to $370,000 for a new townhouse and prices vary depending upon the unit size, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and amenities.”
Purchase-Repair Homeownership Program
“IHA’s Purchase-Repair Homeownership Program provides affordable homeownership opportunities to families and individuals that wouldn’t otherwise qualify for a traditional mortgage.”
Counties served: Carroll, Frederick, Washington
MPDU Purchase
“In Montgomery County, Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDUs) are affordably priced homes – both new and resale – offered to first-time homebuyers who have a moderate level of household income.”
Tandem Loans
“SNHS offers secondary mortgages for the amount over 80% of purchase price less down payment, in order to preclude the need for (pmi) mortgage insurance. Maximum loan amount is $45,000 and the maximum term is 20 years.”
Closing Cost Loans
“Available in Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset County. Closing cost/down-payment assistance loan secured by the property. The maximum loan amount is $15,000 and the maximum term is 10 years. Loans $5,000 or less will have a maximum term of 5 years.”
“Bowie First” Mortgage Assistance Program
“The City of Bowie, in cooperation with the State of Maryland, is providing grants to assist first-time homebuyers who are teachers, persons with disabilities, City government employees, or Police Officers purchasing a home in the City. The grant is in the form of closing cost assistance at the time of purchase.”
States/Territories served:Alabama, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia
Community Partners Products
“Provides up to $15,000 in down-payment and closing-cost funding to current or retired law enforcement officers, educators, health care workers, firefighters, and other first responders; veterans or active-duty members of the U.S. military or their surviving spouse; and COVID-related essential workers that are first-time homebuyers or non-first-time homebuyers.”
First-time Homebuyer Product (FHP)
“The First-time Homebuyer Product (FHP) provides up to $12,500 in funds for the down payments and closing costs of first-time homebuyers.”
Single Family Housing Direct Home Loans
“Also known as the Section 502 Direct Loan Program, this program assists low- and very-low-income applicants obtain decent, safe and sanitary housing in eligible rural areas by providing payment assistance to increase an applicant’s repayment ability. Payment assistance is a type of subsidy that reduces the mortgage payment for a short time.”
Habitat Home
“We believe that everyone should have a safe, affordable place to call home. To carry out our vision, we partner with individuals and families from application through construction to when the keys are handed over.”
The next blog post in our series will explore down payment assistance programs in Massachusetts.
Baltimore City Department of Housing & Community Development
Neighborhood Housing Services of Baltimore
Gaithersburg Division of Housing and Community Development
Hagerstown Community and Economic Development
Arundel Community Development Services
Baltimore County Department of Housing & Community Development
Frederick County Department of Housing and Community Development
Cumberland Neighborhood Housing Services
Prince George’s County Redevelopment Authority
Howard County’s Department of Housing & Community Development
Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Services
Bowie Office of Grant Development & Administration
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Idaho.
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Hawaii.
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Georgia.
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Source 1: Wikipedia: Reusing Wikipedia Content. This work is released under CC BY-SA. Source 2: Farlex Financial Dictionary
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