Florida DPA Programs
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Florida.
Located in the southeastern United States, Kentucky is the 15th state in the Union and is nicknamed The Bluegrass State. Also, it is known as the horse capital of the world and home to the renowned Kentucky Derby. The state’s capital is Frankfort and its largest city is Louisville. With a population of just over 4.5 million people, Kentucky boasts a homeownership rate of 71.4% (2022-U.S. Census Bureau).
DPA programs across the country continue to make homeownership possible for many. Below is a list of programs available in the state of Kentucky. Also, combining programs may be possible, so be sure to inquire.
Louisville Office of Housing and Community Development
REBOUND (Rebuilding Our Urban Neighborhood Dwellings)
Louisville Metro Housing Authority
Federal Appalachian Housing Enterprise (FAHE) / JustChoice Lending
Housing Authority of Bowling Green
Lexington Community Land Trust
Lexington Neighborhoods and Housing
City of Owensboro Community Development
City of Covington Neighborhood Services / Northern Kentucky HOME Consortium
Neighborhood Foundations formerly The Housing Authority of Newport
Housing Opportunities of Northern Kentucky (HONK)
Regular DAP
“KHC recognizes that down payments, closing costs, and prepaids are stumbling blocks for many potential home buyers. We offer a special loan program to help with those.”
Home Buyer Tax Credit
“If you plan on buying a home, then consider taking advantage of KHC’s Home Buyer Tax Credit. The tax credit provides a dollar for dollar reduction of your federal income taxes, every year you occupy the home. The Tax Credit is equal up to 20 percent of the annual mortgage interest paid in a calendar year.”
Loan Programs
“Secondary market funding source for first-time and repeat homebuyers statewide.” Loan programs include: Conventional Preferred Program, Conventional Preferred Plus 80, FHA, VA, and RHS.”
Louisville Metro Down Payment Assistance Program
“The Louisville Metro Down Payment Assistance Program provides low- to moderate-income homebuyers with down payment and closing cost assistance for purchasing a home in the Louisville Metro area. Funds can be applied to the purchase of an existing or newly constructed home. The program is not limited to first-time homebuyers, but prospective homebuyer(s) may NOT currently own a home.”
Russell Homeownership Incentive Program
“Incentives are being offered for individuals and families who want to live into the homeownership incentive area, with the goal of turning existing renters in Russell into homeowners.”
RCH First-time Homebuyer Program
“River City Housing’s mission is to improve the quality of life for low and moderate-income families and strengthen neighborhoods by developing safe and affordable housing.
Homes for sale by River City Housing. “Also includes down payment assistance – up to 20% of the sales price.”
Down Payment Assistance
“As a locally certified Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO), REBOUND sells affordable homes to low and moderate-income households. Our CHDO homes are sold in partnership with the local government and come paired with down payment assistance.”
HPI Homebuyer Grant
“HPI offers grants of up to $14,500 to lower the cost of entry for homeownership to low-incomes buyers.”
“Our newly renovated single-family homes are located in a variety of neighborhoods. These quality single-family homes offer a variety of amenities for low- to moderate-income individuals and families. Many of our homes come with grants to assist you with your down payment!”
Working Your Way Home Downpayment Assistance Program
“Working Your Way Home is a program that works with employers to provide homeownership opportunities to hard-working employees. Through a matching grant program, employees work with our nationally recognized HUD-certified Homebuyer Education & Financial Counseling program to become mortgage-ready. Upon completion of the program, participants receive a grant for downpayment assistance through LHOME, a local CDFI, and their employer.”
Section 8 Homeownership Program
“Through the Homeownership Program, LMHA seeks to help eligible Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) participants apply their subsidy towards a monthly home mortgage payment, instead of rent. This assistance can only be used toward monthly mortgage payments.”
Fahe Community Down Payment Assistance
“20% to 25% of the lesser of the purchase price or appraisal with no dollar cap for down payment and closing cost assistance. Based on first mortgage guidelines.”
Fahe Affordable Down Payment Assistance
“20% to 25% of the lesser of the purchase price or appraisal with no dollar cap for down payment and closing cost assistance. Must be below 80% of the area median income per county/state.”
Fahe Exclusive Down Payment Assistance
“Loan amounts up to $6000. Must be borrowed in increments of $100.”
Welcome Home
Maximum down payment assistance up to $5000. For veterans, the maximum is up to $7500.
Project Reinvest
“Must borrow $10,500 and be below 100% HUD area median income.”
Live the Dream Homeownership Program
“The Housing Authority of Bowling Green also offers new or rehabbed homes for Live The Dream participants. The Housing Authority of Bowling Green staff attends master commissioner’s sales and purchases homes that would be suitable for participants. Rehab work is bid out to prospective contractors thus making the homes affordable and attractive.”
Homeownership Program
“A community land trust separates the ownership of buildings from the ownership of the land underneath those buildings. Lexington CLT homeowners own their homes, but the community through the community land trust, retains ownership of the land. As a condition of the ground lease, homeowners agree to certain resale restrictions on their homes in order to protect its ongoing affordability and to preserve it as an affordable housing opportunity for future buyers.
Lexington Community Land Trust is accepting applications to our homeownership program.”
First-Time Homebuyer Program
“Through REACH and the Lexington Habitat for Humanity, LFUCG provides non-repayable mortgage subsidies and 0 – 2% loans to lower to moderate income first-time home buyers. Recipients must reside in Lexington and must be purchasing a home located in Lexington.”
Down Payment Assistance Grant Program
“The Program provides up to 10% of the sales price of the home in financial assistance to qualified low and moderate income Owensboro residents to assist in the opportunity to purchase a home in Owensboro. The assistance is in the form of a deferred loan agreement, which is forgiven after the appropriate affordability period.”
Homebuyer Grant
“The HOME Homebuyer Program provides grants to the City of Owensboro owned uninhabited single-family housing or vacant properties to offset development costs making homeownership affordable for very low and low-to moderate-income families. The program increases homeownership rates in the redevelopment area helping to stabilize the designated neighborhood. The maximum grant amount will be determined by the Community Development Director.”
Homebuyer Assistance Loans
“Gives deferred, forgivable loans of up to $10,000 to help low-income homebuyers with lender-required down payment and closing costs.”
Areas served: Dayton, Bellevue, Ludlow, and Newport
Homeownership Program
“In partnership with the City of Newport, Neighborhood Foundations will utilize funds provided by Kentucky Housing Corporation and funds from the Department for Local Government to provide soft-second financing to qualified buyers.”
Homeownership Program
“We rehab homes and build new homes using volunteers and other available resources to keep our homes affordable. HONK homes are available to qualified households for immediate homeownership or for homeownership through our supportive lease-to-own program.
HONK serves Kenton, Campbell & Boone counties in Northern Kentucky, with an emphasis on the urban core of Covington, Ludlow, Newport, Dayton, Bellevue and Bromley.”
Homeownership Programs
“As a CHDO company in Kentucky, Community Ventures works to provide mortgages with favorable terms to clients looking to purchase a home for the first time, especially those looking for a house that might need minor rehabilitations but do not have the resources to do the work. The program allows CV to purchase existing homes in qualifying counties and then subsidize the cost of renovations and upgrades before selling it to the new homeowners.”
Counties served: Adair, Anderson, Bourbon, Boyle, Casey, Clark, Cumberland, Estill, Franklin, Gallatin, Garrard, Grant, Green, Harrison, Hart, Jessamine, Larue, Lincoln, Marion, Mercer, Nicholas, Pendelton, Scott, Taylor, Washington, and Woodford
States/Territories served: Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio
Welcome Home Program (WHP)
“The Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati (FHLB Cincinnati) offers grants of up to $15,000 for honorably discharged veterans, surviving spouses of military personnel, and active duty military homebuyers and up to $10,000 for all other homebuyers to assist with down payment and closing costs for income eligible homebuyers through the Welcome Home Program (WHP).”
Single Family Housing Direct Home Loans
“Also known as the Section 502 Direct Loan Program, this program assists low- and very-low-income applicants obtain decent, safe and sanitary housing in eligible rural areas by providing payment assistance to increase an applicant’s repayment ability. Payment assistance is a type of subsidy that reduces the mortgage payment for a short time.”
Habitat Home
“We believe that everyone should have a safe, affordable place to call home. To carry out our vision, we partner with individuals and families from application through construction to when the keys are handed over.”
In the next article, we’ll look at Louisiana’s down payment assistance programs.
Louisville Office of Housing and Community Development
REBOUND (Rebuilding Our Urban Neighborhood Dwellings)
Louisville Metro Housing Authority
Federal Appalachian Housing Enterprise (FAHE) / JustChoice Lending
Housing Authority of Bowling Green
Lexington Community Land Trust
Lexington Neighborhoods and Housing
City of Owensboro Community Development
City of Covington Neighborhood Services / Northern Kentucky HOME Consortium
Neighborhood Foundations formerly The Housing Authority of Newport
Housing Opportunities of Northern Kentucky (HONK)
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Florida.
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Delaware.
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Connecticut.
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Source 1: Wikipedia: Reusing Wikipedia Content. This work is released under CC BY-SA. Source 2: Farlex Financial Dictionary
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