Maine DPA Programs
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Maine.
Located in the midwestern United States, Iowa is the 29th state in the Union. Bordered by the Missouri River to the west and the Mississippi River to the east, its landscape is characterized by rolling plains and cornfields. The state’s capital and largest city is Des Moines. With a population of over 3.1 million people, Iowa boasts a homeownership rate of 73.8% (2022-U.S. Census Bureau).
DPA programs across the country continue to make homeownership possible for many. Below is a list of programs available in the state of Iowa. Also, combining programs may be possible, so be sure to inquire.
Southern Iowa Development Group
Southwest Iowa Planning Council
Iowa Northland Regional Housing Council
East Central Iowa Council of Governments
City of Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund
Sioux City Neighborhood Services
Cedar Rapids Community Development
Neighborhood Finance Corporation
West Des Moines Community & Economic Development
City of Dubuque Housing & Community Development
City of Davenport Housing Programs
Region XII Council of Governments
Area 15 Regional Planning Commission
FirstHome Mortgage Program
“The FirstHome Program connects first-time homebuyers with affordable mortgages and local lenders.”
FirstHome Down Payment Assistance Program
Homes for Iowans Mortgage Program
“Homes for Iowans is available to first-time and repeat homebuyers who are purchasing a primary residence in Iowa.”
Homes for Iowans Down Payment Assistance
Military Homeownership Assistance Program
“The program provides a $5,000 grant to service members and veterans for down payments and closing costs on qualifying homes. The funds may be used in conjunction with the FirstHome and Homes for Iowans programs.”
Mortgage Credit Certificates (MCC) Program
“The Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) program allows buyers to save up to $2,000 on their federal taxes, every year for the life of their mortgage.”
Down payment Assistance (Housing Revolving Loan Fund (H-RLF))
“Created to help first-time homebuyers meet the need for a down payment on a home. The SIDG Housing Revolving Loan Fund is available to eligible homebuyers in SIDG’s eight county region where local match has been provided. These counties include: Adair, Adams, Clarke, Decatur, Madison, Ringgold, Taylor, and Union.”
Home Ownership Assistance
“Southwest Iowa Housing Trust Fund (SWIHTF) can assist potential homebuyers of new and existing housing with down payment assistance. SWIHTF can fund up to 7% of the purchase price up to $8,000. The first $5,000 is a 5-year forgivable loan, forgiven at 20% per year. The remaining amount is a 1% loan for up to 5 years.”
Counties served: Cass, Fremont, Harrison, Mills, Montgomery, Page, Pottawattamie, and Shelby
Homebuyer Assistance
“INRHC Revolving Loan Fund finances such projects as the construction of speculative homes, homebuyer assistance, and infrastructure improvements for an affordable housing subdivision.”
Counties served: Bremmer, Buchanan, Butler, Chickasaw, and Grundy
Homes for Iowa Program
“Homes for Iowa plans to build 800+ moderately priced homes over the next 10 years in collaboration with Iowa Prison Industries. Beautiful 3-bedroom, 2-bath ranch style homes will be built for individuals and families and delivered all over Iowa. Home price is $90,000 delivered and set (not affixed) on the foundation.”
First Time Homebuyer Assistance Program
“The Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund is offering a forgivable grant up to $2,500 to assist a first-time home buyer with the down payment and/or closing costs of purchasing a home in the City of Oskaloosa. The definition of a first-time home buyer is a borrower that has not owned a home in Mahaska County in the past three years.”
MyPad Down Payment Assistance Program
“The MyPad Program offers up to $14,999 towards the purchase of your new home.”
First Time Home Buyer Program
“The FTHB program provides $1,000-$14,999 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible buyers. The assistance is forgivable after 5 years.”
Neighborhood Reinvest Down Payment Assistance Loan Program
“The NFC Neighborhood Reinvest Down Payment Assistance Loan Program provides down payment assistance loans to borrowers in NFC lending areas in Des Moines, West Des Moines, Windsor Heights, Urbandale and Cedar Rapids, Iowa.”
NFC Advantage Loan
“No other home loan or mortgage product offers the types of loans offered by NFC — that is the NFC Advantage. If you’re looking to purchase a home, refinance an existing home while making needed repairs to that home, or apply for a home improvement loan, then NFC has a product for you. A NFC Advantage Loan pairs a repayable loan with a forgivable loan of up to $10,000 in Polk County and $15,000 in Cedar Rapids.”
Historic West Des Moines Housing Fund – Downpayment Assistance
“The City of West Des Moines has a Down Payment Program that can be used with a NFC Advantage loan and forgivable loan for eligible applicants.”
Down Payment Program
“The Down Payment Assistance Program provides grants and deferred loans to assist in the purchase of homes in Historic West Des Moines. Total assistance ranges from $2,500 to $10,000 depending on qualifications of borrower.”
First-Time Homebuyer Loan Program
“This program provides long-term, no-interest (0%), $5,000 loans to help purchase your first home at any location within the City of Dubuque limits.”
Housing Choice Voucher Homebuyer Program
“This program is funded by HUD to assist first-time Homebuyers. It is similar to our rental voucher program, but instead of payments going to a landlord, payments go to your mortgage lender.”
Washington Neighborhood Homebuyer Loan Program
“This program provides long-term, no-interest (0%), loans in varying amounts based on household size and annual income to any owner-occupied, single family or duplex home IN THE WASHINGTON NEIGHBORHOOD (11th Street to 32nd Street, Elm to Central).”
Home Buyer Down Payment Grant Program
“The Home Buyer Down Payment Grant Program offers funding for future Davenport home buyers towards the down payment on homes within the Davenport City Limits. The program will provide up to $2500 towards the down payment and closing cost of the home.”
Urban Homestead Loan Program
“The Urban Homestead Loan Program utilizes federally funded grants to provide home ownership opportunities for low and moderate income households. Homes are purchased with these federal grants by the City of Davenport, rehabilitated, and sold to eligible applicants.”
Davenport DREAM Project
“The Davenport DREAM Project uses federal funds and capital improvement funds to provide forgivable grants to new and existing homeowners for facade improvements and code violation corrections. The homeowners must reside in the eligible project area and are selected through a competitive application process.”
CDBG City or County Based Homebuyer Assistance Program
Sponsoring Agency: Iowa Economic Development Authority
“Assist low-to-moderate income homebuyers with down-payment assistance up to 50% of the down-payment required and up to $3,500 of closing costs.”
City-Based Homebuyer Assistance Program
Sponsoring Agency: Iowa Finance Authority
“Assist first-time homebuyers, veterans, single parents, or displaced homemakers with down payment assistance to purchase a home and rehabilitation for the purchased property. The maximum combined assistance for down payment and rehabilitation is $24,999. Funds are provided in the form of a grant. The purchased property must be located within the City limits.”
Region XII’s Internal Revolving Loan Fund
“Assist potential homebuyers with down payment assistance to purchase homes. The maximum assistance is $10,000 or 10% of the purchase price and reasonable closing costs. These program funds are available to homeowners in Audubon, Carroll, Crawford, Guthrie, Greene, and Sac Counties and associate member cities which includes, Adel, De Soto, Ogden, Perry, and Redfield.”
Jefferson, IA Homes for Sale
“Region XII has four quality single-family homes for sale in Jefferson, Iowa. These homes are all new construction, ranch style homes. Significant down-payment assistance is available for income qualified applications.”
First-Time Homebuyers Program
“This housing revolving loan fund loans up to $10,000 to assist first-time homebuyers (anyone who has not owned a home in 3 years) with down payment, and/or closing costs on the purchase or construction of a home.”
Counties served: Appanoose, Davis, Jefferson, Keokuk, Mahaska, Van Buren, and Wapello
Homes for Iowa Initiative
“Area 15 RPC is partnering with Homes for Iowa, Inc. (HFI), a new nonprofit organization which aims to increase the supply of affordable housing in rural areas. The homes, with an estimated final sales price of $130,000-$175,000, will be purchased directly from HFI and delivered to the designated site and made available to households earning up to 100 percent of the state-wide median income (per household size).”
Infill Homebuyer New Construction Program
“NeighborWorks® Home Solutions partners with the City of Council Bluffs Community Development Department to offer the Infill Homebuyer New Construction Program, which provides down payment and closing cost assistance (loan up to $30,000) to individuals and families that qualify.”
States/Territories served: Alaska, American Samoa, Hawaii, Guam, Idaho, Northern Mariana Islands, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
Home$tart Program
“Through our Home$tart program, eligible households may receive up to $7,500 in down payment and closing cost assistance. You must apply through a member institution.”
Native American Homeownership Initiative (NAHI)
“Through our Native American Homeownership Initiative (NAHI), eligible households may receive up to $15,000 for down payment and closing cost assistance. You must apply through a member institution.”
Single Family Housing Direct Home Loans
“Also known as the Section 502 Direct Loan Program, this program assists low- and very-low-income applicants obtain decent, safe and sanitary housing in eligible rural areas by providing payment assistance to increase an applicant’s repayment ability. Payment assistance is a type of subsidy that reduces the mortgage payment for a short time.”
Habitat Home
“We believe that everyone should have a safe, affordable place to call home. To carry out our vision, we partner with individuals and families from application through construction to when the keys are handed over.”
Next up in our blog series is an exploration of Kansas’s down payment assistance programs.
Southern Iowa Development Group
Southwest Iowa Planning Council
Iowa Northland Regional Housing Council
East Central Iowa Council of Governments
City of Oskaloosa Housing Trust Fund
Sioux City Neighborhood Services
Cedar Rapids Community Development
Neighborhood Finance Corporation
West Des Moines Community & Economic Development
City of Dubuque Housing & Community Development
City of Davenport Housing Programs
Region XII Council of Governments
Area 15 Regional Planning Commission
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Maine.
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Louisiana.
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Kentucky.
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Source 1: Wikipedia: Reusing Wikipedia Content. This work is released under CC BY-SA. Source 2: Farlex Financial Dictionary
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