New Mexico DPA Programs
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of New Mexico.
Your dream of owning a home shouldn’t be put on hold due to a lack of a down payment. Down payment assistance (DPA) programs are available in most states and U.S. territories. Taking advantage of these programs can help make purchasing a home possible. Over the coming weeks, we will explore DPA programs in each state as part of a new blog series. Our goal is to make you aware of the programs that make homeownership possible. To kick off the blog series, we’ll provide a quick overview of DPA programs in this article.
Types of Down Payment Assistance
Down payment assistance (DPA) programs provide funds to eligible homebuyers to cover down payment and closing costs. Assistance can come in various forms, including:
Solutions for Affordable First Mortgages
Affordable first mortgage financing options may be available to first-time homebuyers, active military/veterans, individuals who work in public safety, education, and healthcare; as well as those who purchase homes in certain areas, and more.
Funds that are given to the borrower to assist with the down payment or closing costs. Grant funds do not require repayment.
Homeownership Individual Development Accounts (IDAs)
“Homeownership IDAs provide grant funds to match the savings of a participant over a specific amount of time, up to a specified amount, to be used for down payment and closing costs.” (FDIC)
Second Mortgages
Forgivable Loan – a loan that does not require repayment so long as the borrower lives in the house for a specified period of time
Deferred Payment Loan – an interest-free loan payable upon the sale or refinance of the property
Repayable Loan – a loan that is repaid over a certain period of time
Shared Appreciation Mortgage (SAM) – an interest-free loan payable upon the sale or refinance of the property plus a percentage of the property’s appreciated value
Mortgage Credit Certificates (MCCs)
MCCs provide first-time homebuyers with a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for a portion of their mortgage interest each year, up to $2,000. MCCs can also reduce the net mortgage payment which can help some borrowers qualify for a loan. (FDIC)
Lender Credits
A lender may offer a grant in the form of a cash credit to assist borrowers with closing costs. This lender credit does not have to be repaid and should not result in a higher interest rate.
Employer Assisted Housing (EAH)
Employer-sponsored housing assistance program, which helps employees purchase homes near their workplaces.
Sweat Equity
Sweat equity is the personal contribution of materials and/or labor invested in a property by a borrower or volunteers. The value of the labor is determined and then applied to the borrower’s down payment for a mortgage. FHA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac offer mortgage programs that allow sweat equity. For Habitat for Humanity, sweat equity is generally a requirement for applicants.
Funders of DPA Programs
Down payment assistance programs are funded and may be administered by government agencies, private organizations, local charities, and lenders. Most notably, state Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs), play a vital role in ensuring affordable housing (NCSHA).
State Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs) are state-chartered authorities established to help meet the affordable housing needs of the residents of their states. Although they vary widely in characteristics such as their relationship to state government, most HFAs are independent entities that operate under the direction of a board of directors appointed by each state’s governor.
HFAs are funded primarily through HUD’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program, tax-exempt bonds, and low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC). Lastly, it is important to note that a major source of funding is provided by Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBanks). By law, they are required to set aside 10% of their net income for their respective Affordable Housing Programs. Financial institution members who provide assistance (down payment, closing costs, or counseling) to homebuyers can apply for these funds.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility requirements for DPA can vary by program and by state. A number of factors, however, are often considered when determining eligibility.
Bundling DPA Programs
Is it possible to bundle multiple DPAs? Yes, it is possible to layer or combine multiple DPA programs, which can make purchasing a home even more affordable. For example, some HFAs offer first-lien mortgage products, which can be used in conjunction with government-sponsored enterprise (i.e. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac) programs and FHLBank products.
Please note that not all DPA programs can be bundled due to certain requirements or loan restrictions. Check with the individual agencies to see if the programs you are considering can be combined.
Applying for DPA Programs
The application process can vary across programs. While some programs require you to begin the application process with a participating lender, others allow you to apply directly with them. See what programs are available in your state.
Our blog series will explore DPA programs in each state/territory. Keep an eye out for your state’s blog post.
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of New Mexico.
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of New Jersey.
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of New Hampshire.
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Source 1: Wikipedia: Reusing Wikipedia Content. This work is released under CC BY-SA. Source 2: Farlex Financial Dictionary
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