Oregon DPA Programs
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Oregon.
Located in the western region of the United States, California is the 31st state in the Union. With over 1000 miles of coastline, California is known for its cliff-lined sandy beaches, mountains, the redwood forest, wineries, and the Hollywood entertainment industry. The state’s capital is Sacramento and its largest city is Los Angeles. With a population of more than 39 million people, California boasts a homeownership rate of 55.3% (2022-U.S. Census Bureau).
DPA programs across the country continue to make homeownership possible for many. Below is a list of programs available in the state of California. Also, combining programs may be possible, so be sure to inquire.
California Housing Finance Agency
City of Belmont Housing Department
San Diego County Housing & Community Development Services
San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC)
City of Chula Vista Department of Housing and Homeless Services
City of El Cajon Department of Community Development
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) San Diego
City of Emeryville Community Development
Alameda County’s Housing and Community Development Department
Orange County Housing & Community Development
Riverside County Housing Department
Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA)
Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency (SHRA)
San Francisco County Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development
San Joaquin County Neighborhood Preservation
County of San Mateo Department of Housing
Tuolumne County Community Development Department Housing Division
Fresno County Community Development Division
City of Oakland Housing & Community Development
Town of Paradise Housing Department
City of Porterdale Community Development
City of Redding Housing Division
Community Housing Development Corporation
Contra Costa County Housing and Community Improvement
Riverside County EDA Housing Division
San Pablo Economic Development
Shasta County Housing & Community Action Programs
City of Turlock Housing Program Services
City of Poway Development Services
San Marcos Neighborhood Programs
California Dream For All Shared Appreciation Loan
“The Dream For All Shared Appreciation Loan is a down payment assistance program for first-time homebuyers to be used in conjunction with the Dream For All Conventional first mortgage for down payment and/or closing costs.
Upon sale or transfer of the home, the homebuyer repays the original down payment loan, plus a share of the appreciation in the value of the home.”
MyHome Assistance Program
“CalHFA Government Loans (FHA): MyHome offers a deferred-payment junior loan of an amount up to the lesser of 3.5% of the purchase price or appraised value to assist with down payment and/or closing costs.”
“CalHFA Conventional Loans: MyHome offers a deferred-payment junior loan of an amount up to the lesser of 3% of the purchase price or appraised value to assist with down payment and/or closing costs.”
First Mortgage Programs – Government Loans
“CalHFA FHA Loan Program: The CalHFA FHA Program is an FHA-insured loan featuring a CalHFA 30 year fixed interest rate first mortgage.”
“CalPLUS FHA Loan Program: The CalPLUS FHA program is an FHA-insured first mortgage with a slightly higher 30 year fixed interest rate than our standard FHA program and is combined with the CalHFA Zero Interest Program (ZIP) for closing costs.”
“CalHFA VA Loan Program: The CalHFA VA program is a VA-insured loan featuring a CalHFA fixed interest rate first mortgage. This loan is a 30-year fixed interest rate first mortgage.”
“CalHFA USDA Program: The CalHFA USDA Program is a USDA Guaranteed first mortgage loan program, which can be combined with the MyHome Assistance Program (MyHome). This loan is a 30-year fixed interest rate first mortgage.”
First Mortgage Programs – Conventional Loans
“CalHFA Convetional Loan Program: The CalHFA Conventional program is a first mortgage loan insured through private mortgage insurance on the conventional market. The interest rate on the CalHFA Conventional is fixed throughout the 30-year term.”
“CalPLUS Conventional Loan Program: The CalPLUS Conventional program is a conventional first mortgage with a slightly higher 30 year fixed interest rate than our standard conventional program and is combined with the CalHFA Zero Interest Program (ZIP) for closing costs.”
ADU Grant Program
“The ADU Grant provided up to $40,000 towards pre-development and non-reoccurring closing costs associated with the construction of the ADU. Predevelopment costs include site prep, architectural designs, permits, soil tests, impact fees, property survey, and energy reports.”
Home Loans
“CalVet Home Loans is not a bank or a finance company. We are a California state agency authorized to provide home loans to California veterans and their families as a thank you for the sacrifices made for our state and country.”
Below Market Rate Housing
“A Below-Market-Rate (BMR) home is a home that is priced to be affordable to households that are low to moderate income. BMR owners must occupy the home as their primary residence and cannot rent the home.”
Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance (DCCA) Program
“Low-income, first-time homebuyers may qualify for a low-interest, deferred payment loan of up to 17% of the purchase price for down payment assistance and 4%, up to $10,000 in closing costs assistance.”
Areas served: all unincorporated areas of the County of San Diego and the cities of Carlsbad, Coronado, Del Mar, Encinitas, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, Poway, San Marcos, Santee, Solana Beach, and Vista.
First-Time Homebuyer Program
“The SDHC First-Time Homebuyer Program* can assist with the purchase of a single-family home, townhome or condominium in the City of San Diego. Eligible buyers earning no more than 80 percent of San Diego’s Area Medan Income may qualify for a deferred-payment, second trust deed loan of up to 22 percent of the purchase price (based on the buyer’s need), with the interest rate set at 3 percent.”
Affordable For-Sale Housing
“The Affordable For-Sale Housing Program makes it possible for low- and moderate-income families to buy a home at a price that is affordable.
Private sector developers built these homes. The properties meet the City of San Diego’s affordability requirements and are sold below market value.”
First-Time Homebuyer Program
“Gap financing available up to $120,000 to be used toward down payment and closing costs.”
American Dream and California Dream First-Time Homebuyer Programs
“Assist first-time homebuyers purchase a new or existing single-family or condominium home in the City of El Cajon.”
San Diego Black Homebuyer Program
“This is a down payment assistance program for Black/African-American first-time homebuyers. LISC and The San Diego Foundation will grant qualifying homebuyers up to $40,000 to be applied toward the purchase of their first home using one of our Participating Lenders as a mortgage provider.”
Below Market Rate Ownership Program
“Below Market Rate (BMR) units are homes whose values are legally restricted to keep their prices affordable for households at or below certain designated income levels.”
First Time Home-buyers Down Payment Assistance Loans
“This program provides low-interest, deferred-payment loans to help first-time home-buyers cover the down payment on market-rate or co-op homes for sale in Emeryville. Loans are available to households at or below moderate income.”
Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) Program
“An MCC provides the income eligible first-time home buyer with an opportunity to reduce the amount of federal income tax they owe each year they own and live in their home.”
AC Boost
“Borrow up to $210,000 in the form of a shared appreciation down payment assistance loan to buy a home in Alameda County. No payments due during the term of the loan, making your mortgage payment affordable.”
Down Payment Assistance
“To meet the needs of those seeking homeownership, Self-Help Enterprises, in cooperation with Valley cities and counties, operates homebuyer assistance programs. The programs are designed to provide the additional financing needed to keep a first mortgage payment affordable to first-time homebuyers.”
Areas served: Cities of Avenal, Clovis ADU, Exeter, Chowchilla, Delano, Farmersville, Tulare, Corcoran, Dinuba, Visalia, Woodlake, and the counties of Rural Merced and Kings.
Build Your Own Home
“Through our program, eight to twelve families are grouped together and agree to help each other build their houses with skilled onsite supervision and guidance of Self-Help Enterprises construction staff.”
Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP)
“The County’s Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP) provides silent (deferred payment) downpayment assistance loans to assist low-income first-time homebuyers (FTHB). The 3% simple interest, deferred payment loan has a 30 year term and a maximum loan amount of $80,000. “
Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC)
“Intended for interested homebuyers, the MCC entitles qualified homebuyers to reduce the amount of their federal income tax liability. This tax credit effectively increases the homebuyer’s purchasing power, which helps them qualify for a mortgage. “
First-Time Home Buyer (FTHB) Program
“The Riverside County FTHB Program is designed to provide assistance to lower income persons in the purchase of their first home. Assistance may be provided for the down payment in the purchase of a home. The amount of assistance available depends upon the buyer’s qualifications and the price of the home. In general, a buyer may only receive what they need, up to 20 % of the purchase price of the home. “
GSFA Platinum® Program
“Down Payment Assistance through the GSFA Platinum Program may help you to purchase a home sooner than you thought possible. Consider what $10,000, $20,000 or even $30,000 could do to help you purchase a home. Program is not limited to first-time homebuyers.”
GSFA MCC® — Mortgage Credit Certificate
“Providing an Annual Tax Credit to First-Time Homebuyers and Qualified Veterans.”
GSFA OpenDoors® Program
“The GSFA OpenDoors Program helps low-to-moderate income homebuyers in California purchase a home by providing down payment and/or closing cost assistance (DPA).”
PLHA First-Time Homebuyer Mortgage Assistance Program
“The Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) First-Time Homebuyer Mortgage Assistance Program is designed to assist low-income homebuyers by providing down payment and mortgage assistance to reduce the amount of the first mortgage loan on homes located in the City of Sacramento.”
Mortgage Credit Certificate Program
“The Sacramento Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) Program provides homeownership assistance in the form of a Federal Income Tax Credit on home purchases within the County of Sacramento and the cities of Sacramento, Elk Grove, Folsom, Isleton, Galt, Citrus Heights, Rancho Cordova.”
Welcome Home Program
“Homes available for purchase under the Welcome Home Program are owned by SHRA and are fully renovated prior to sale. Homes range in size from two to five bedrooms and are located throughout the City and County of Sacramento.”
New Affordable Homes for Sale
“There are periodically opportunities for eligible buyers to purchase affordable single family homes. These homes may be located in new subdivisions or in existing neighborhoods. Applicants must meet eligibility requirements and be able to qualify for first mortgage financing to purchase these homes. In addition, most of these homes require restrictions on the resale of the home, so buyers are advised to fully understand these restrictions.”
Buy a home with City help
“First time homebuyers can get help from the City to buy a home or get downpayment assistance. You must live at the home that you buy with City help. You are not allowed to rent it out, including on platforms like Airbnb. The entire process of buying a home may take months.”
Buy a home at a below market rate price
“First time homebuyers can buy a home in San Francisco at below market rate (BMR) prices. “
City Second Loan Program
“Under the City Second Loan Program, you can borrow up to $375,000 for certain homes in San Francisco. “
Downpayment Assistance Loan Program (DALP)
“With the Downpayment Assistance Loan Program (DALP), you can get a loan up to $375,000 to buy a home. “
GAP Program
“The San Joaquin County GAP Loan Program provides deferred down payment assistance loans, 20% of the sales price up to $40,000 (whichever is the lesser), to low income, first-time homebuyers for the purchase of a home in the unincorporated county areas or within the city limits of Escalon, Lathrop, Manteca, Ripon or Tracy. The loans are intended to bridge the “GAP” between the cost of a home and what a low-income household can afford.”
EDPAP: Employee Down Payment Assistance Program
“The Employee Down Payment Assistance Program (EDPAP) is an employee benefit open to all full-time, County of San Mateo and Housing Authority employees.
The program offers a $100,000 loan (second mortgage) towards the purchase of a home in San Mateo County. The loan is deferred for the first, five years amortized for 30 years at three percent interest (3%). The County also offers a $5,000 grant to help cover closing costs, for awardees, moving to San Mateo County from outside the County.”
HEART Opening Doors Program
“Must be a first-time home buyer or be a “move-closer” buyer purchasing near transit in San Mateo County. Our goal is simple: to help you purchase a home with a 5% downpayment and no Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI).”
County and Green First-Time Homebuyer Programs
“The goal of the County’s First-Time Homebuyer Programs are to help make homeownership possible for first-time homebuyers who might not otherwise be able to afford to buy a home. A first-time homebuyer is defined under this program to be an individual or family who has not owned a home in the past three years.”
WISH Downpayment Matching Grant Program
“The WISH program provides up to $22,000 for each participating household, matching up to $4 for each $1 contributed by the homebuyer(s). Borrowers are required to contribute a minimum down payment of 3% of the purchase price of the home. WISH funds can be counted towards the borrower’s down payment. If a homebuyer contributes $5,500 for down payment and closing costs they would receive a forgivable grant in the amount of $22,000 from the FHLB.”
Homebuyer Assistance Program (HAP)
The Homebuyer Assistance Program helps low to moderate-income families purchase their first home by providing a zero interest, deferred payment loan that shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the purchase price of the single-family residence plus loan closing costs..”
First Time Homebuyer Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP)
“The Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP) is a City of Oakland loan program, operating jointly with participating lenders, to assist low and moderate income first time homebuyers with the purchase of homes in the City of Oakland. MAP loans provide assistance that fills the gap between what a household can afford and the purchase price.”
First Time Home Buyer Program
“The Town of Paradise offers a deferred, low-interest loan to eligible first-time homebuyers based on Federal 2022 Income Limits as down payment assistance to purchase a home.”
First Time Homebuyer Program (FTHB)
“This program is designed to help lower income first time homebuyers purchase a home and qualify for long-term financing from a participating lender of their choice from the list provided by City staff.”
Homebuyer Program
“This program is designed to assist income eligible families or individuals to purchase a home within the city limits of Redding, who are unable to accomplish that goal through conventional financing. Qualified applicants can obtain a “silent” second mortgage that bridges the gap between the purchase price of the home, the primary loan, and the applicant’s down payment. No monthly payments are required on the loan.”
Cal Home Program
“Cal Home Program offers up to $38,000 in a “silent” down payment assistance loan for low-income households purchasing in Contra Costa. This loan is secured by a Deed of Trust on the property and requires no monthly payments.”
“WISH grants can help first-time homebuyers overcome the biggest barrier to homeownership: downpayment and closing costs. These programs match $4 for every $1 a homebuyer contributes toward the purchase of a home, up to the Federal Housing Finance Agency annual maximum subsidy limit.”
Neighborhood LIFT Program
“Neighborhood LIFT provides eligible homebuyers with $25,000 in down payment assistance on qualified properties.”
Mortgage Credit Certificate Program
“Under the MCC program, the maximum tax credit available is equal to 20 percent of the annual interest paid on the borrower’s mortgage. By reducing the borrower’s federal tax liability, the tax credit essentially provides additional income which can be used for mortgage payments.”
First Time Home Buyer Program
“The Riverside County FTHB Program is designed to provide assistance to lower income persons in the purchase of their first home. Assistance may be provided for the down payment in the purchase of a home. The amount of assistance available depends upon the buyer’s qualifications and the price of the home. In general, a buyer may only receive what they need, up to 20 % of the purchase price of the home.”
Mortgage Credit Certificate Program
“The Riverside County MCC Program provides for a twenty percent (20%) rate which can be applied to the interest paid on the mortgage loan. The borrower can claim a tax credit equal to 20% of the interest paid during the year.”
WISH Program
“Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) of San Francisco’s WISH (Workforce Initiative Subsidy for Homeownership) WISH offers first-time homebuyers a matching grant up to $29,000 ($4 for every $1 the homebuyer puts in) toward the purchase of a home. WISH grants are provided to eligible homebuyers through FHLB member institutions with whom San Pablo EDC is partnering to make the grants available.”
San Pablo Loan Assistance for Sustainable Housing (SPLASH)
“The loans made through the SPLASH Program will be deferred payment (also known as “silent second”) loans. No payments will be required until the end of the term unless the property is sold or otherwise transferred (including refinancing). Loan Amount up to 20% of the purchase price of the home not to exceed $100,000.”
Down Payment Assistance Programs
“The Down Payment Assistance Programs offered through our office can be used in Shasta County outside of Redding city limits and now includes the city of Anderson and Shasta Lake!
It provides 0% interest loans to qualified, low-income, first-time home buyers to help with down payment and closing costs. The loan amount can be up to 40% of the purchase price. The maximum purchase price is $310,000. The borrower must contribute at least 3% of the purchase price to the sale transaction. These funds may be a gift.”
Homebuyer’s Assistance Loan Program
“The City of Sonora has funds to assist low-income households in the purchase of a home within the City limits. This assistance is available for up to $100,000.”
First Time Home Buyers Program (FTHB)
“Our First Time Home Buyers Program (FTHB) helps eligible applicants purchase a home with down payment assistance of up to $50,000 or 40% (whichever is less) of the sales price of a home.”
Supporting Home Ownership in Poway (SHOP) Program
“The Supporting Home Ownership in Poway (SHOP) Program provides low- and moderate-income homebuyers with assistance to purchase a home in Poway through a Poway Housing Authority and City of Poway funded second mortgages. Homes purchased with the help of SHOP Program loans will remain affordable for a minimum of 45 years, which requires the home to be sold at a restricted resale price to qualified buyers.”
Downpayment Assistance Program (DAP)
“The Downpayment Assistance Program (DAP) is funded by the CalHome Program and offers eligible first-time homebuyers a simple interest, deferred payment loan to assist with the purchase of a home within the City of San Marcos.”
First-Time Homebuyer Program
“City of San Marcos residents are eligible to apply for loan funds from the County of San Diego’s First-Time Homebuyer Program. The program offers a 3 percent interest, deferred-payment loan of up to 17 percent of the purchase price for down payment plus up to 4 percent of the purchase price for closing costs to purchase a single-family home, townhome or condominium in San Marcos for eligible households with incomes at or below 80 percent of County’s Area Median Income. “
States/Territories served: Arizona, Nevada, California
WISH First-Time Homebuyer Program
“In 2023, the WISH Program offers eligible low- to moderate-income households 4-to-1 matching grants of up to $29,172, which is the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s annual maximum subsidy limit. WISH funds can be applied to downpayment and closing costs for the purchase of a home. WISH grants help working families and individuals move from renting to owning and can complement or supplement many local, state, and federal homeownership programs and initiatives.”
Single Family Housing Direct Home Loans
“Also known as the Section 502 Direct Loan Program, this program assists low- and very-low-income applicants obtain decent, safe and sanitary housing in eligible rural areas by providing payment assistance to increase an applicant’s repayment ability. Payment assistance is a type of subsidy that reduces the mortgage payment for a short time.”
Habitat Home
“We believe that everyone should have a safe, affordable place to call home. To carry out our vision, we partner with individuals and families from application through construction to when the keys are handed over.”
First-Time Homebuyer Assistance Program (FTHB)
“The program assists low and moderate income households with the purchase of housing within the City by giving the household a loan to assist with a portion of the down payment. Interest-free equity share loans are available to qualifying homebuyers.”
Below Market Rate Homeownership Program (BMR)
“There are approximately 46 Below Market Rate (BMR) homeownership homes bought and occupied by low and moderate income households. These homes have sales price restrictions so they are affordable to low and moderate income households.”
The next blog post in our series will explore Colorado’s down payment assistance programs.
California Housing Finance Agency
City of Belmont Housing Department
San Diego County Housing & Community Development Services
San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC)
City of Chula Vista Department of Housing and Homeless Services
City of El Cajon Department of Community Development
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) San Diego
City of Emeryville Community Development
Alameda County’s Housing and Community Development Department
Orange County Housing & Community Development
Riverside County Housing Department
Golden State Finance Authority (GSFA)
Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency (SHRA)
San Francisco County Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development
San Joaquin County Neighborhood Preservation
County of San Mateo Department of Housing
Tuolumne County Community Development Department Housing Division
Fresno County Community Development Division
City of Oakland Housing & Community Development
Town of Paradise Housing Department
City of Porterdale Community Development
City of Redding Housing Division
Community Housing Development Corporation
Contra Costa County Housing and Community Improvement
Riverside County EDA Housing Division
San Pablo Economic Development
Shasta County Housing & Community Action Programs
City of Turlock Housing Program Services
City of Poway Development Services
San Marcos Neighborhood Programs
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Oregon.
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Oklahoma.
Explore down payment and homebuyer assistance programs in the state of Ohio.
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Source 1: Wikipedia: Reusing Wikipedia Content. This work is released under CC BY-SA. Source 2: Farlex Financial Dictionary
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